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Heirlooms are dynamic NFTs that can be purchased and used by players within their gaming environment. The level of a Heirloom can be adjusted based on the amount of $AEG that is nested into it. There are nine different varieties of Heirlooms available, each with its own combination of specialties, bonuses, and level-up timings. The choice of Heirloom can have a major impact on the amount of time and money invested in the token, either providing more progression for players or an opportunity for investors to rent out the Heirloom.

Holding a Heirloom provides a list of unique bonuses that are focused on one particular specialty. Only one Heirloom can be active at a time, and there is no limit on the number of Heirlooms a user can own. To access and retain each level up, a certain amount of tokens per level must be locked-up and wrapped; otherwise, the level will downgrade over time. Maximum percentages of compensation will be awarded to all users who staked to level 7 Heirloom.

Players are able to switch between Heirlooms freely with a single click, as long as both Heirlooms have wrapped tokens in them so they can be activated. This allows players to switch to a Heirloom that is more suited to their needs at any given time, without losing the level of the Heirloom or incurring any fees. For example, if a player has a Level 3 Water Heirloom, which grants a bonus to experience points, and they decide that they need a bonus to tokens instead, they are able to switch to their Level 6 Fire Heirloom without the Water Heirloom losing its level.

Heirlooms can be leveled up over time by nesting $AEG tokens within them. When tokens are removed from the Heirloom, the Heirloom will become downgraded over time, just as it had been upgraded. Heirlooms can be rented out, traded, and even sold with tokens nested inside of them. If a player rents out a Heirloom, the tokens inside will be locked.
